Saturday, November 28, 2009

What could I do?

My.. well I'm not sure what he is to me. I guess a friend. Anyway, he said he's going to come to my house and kill me for all the crap I've done to him. Not sure if he would though, but I've been pretty mean to him. I would deserve it though. Anything I could do to maybe make him less angry? Here is a list of some things I've done:

1. I jacked up his cell phone bill to over hundreds of dollars by sending him really stupid text messages.

2. I irritate him on AIM by sending him lots of chat invites and talk invites.

3. I call him around 3 am occasionally and yell WAKE! and hang up.

4. I curse at him.

5. I photoshop his head on naked women or on animals, or just about anything and post it on his myspace. I think it's funny...

6. I've probably done other stuff that I've forgotten about.

What could I do?

i dont blame him for hating you..why would you do this to someone? you need to grow up and have some respect for someone else and stop trying to amuse your self with the pain from someone else..theres not much you can do but leave this person alone and get a life..and pay him for the cell phone bill, at least you could have some decency by doing that..

What could I do?

Why? ()

What could I do?

you will probably deserve what he wants to give you!! i hope you like fire cuz u going to burn in HELL!!!

What could I do?

why r you so mean to him it seams like you put a lot of time and energy into hassling him,maybe you should leave him the hell alone before he really does come kill you! so why do you do this do you have like a huge crush on him and r too chicken to say so,so u just harass him?.... just tell him you love him

What could I do?


What could I do?

first...if you say he is your "friend" why would you want to do these things to him? does he do mean things like that to you? do you get a kick out of seeing him upset?

i think maybe you should just leave him alone!!!! it sounds to me like that is what he would like the most!!!!

and if you have to torture someone, then find someone else to do these things to for a while!!!!

What could I do?

It sounds like you are VERY mature. I can't understand why he would be mad. Just leave him alone and he'll forget you in a day.

What could I do?

1. Maybe you like him

2. Try to be nice to him by saying sorry

3. Don't do those things anymore.

4. If that doesn't get him to change his mind call the cops and tell them you have a death threat.

What could I do?

Wow. You really like him. No offense, but are you gay? Anyway, if he kills you, you most probably deserve it. You said so yourself. So maybe it'd help if you start praying. :P No kidding aside, well, just say sorry. It's not that hard. You wouldn't want him to go to jail, would you? You like him that much, right? So.. do the right thing and go apologize.

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