Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What is a good comment to leave on my gf myspace to indicate she is with me?

Something funny. Both of our profiles still say single. I was thinking of something like, "I can't believe you got me to go out with you for two whole months already haha kidding babe, you left your scrunchie over here the other night"

What is a good comment to leave on my gf myspace to indicate she is with me?

think of a cute funny inside joke that only you too know'll keep everyone else guessing and shows how tight you two are.

What is a good comment to leave on my gf myspace to indicate she is with me?

Ya that's a good one. Stick with that one.

What is a good comment to leave on my gf myspace to indicate she is with me?

It is watever sounds the most like yourself.

For example,

Hey baby i 閳?you by the way you left your scrunchie over my house last nite.

But, that is only an example.Its not exactly funny, but it lets people know that you are goin wit her.

What is a good comment to leave on my gf myspace to indicate she is with me?

why do both ur profiles say that ur single....?

What is a good comment to leave on my gf myspace to indicate she is with me?

Why not do the adult thing and change your profiles to NOT SINGLE......DUHHHHHHHHHH

What is a good comment to leave on my gf myspace to indicate she is with me?

ted dont be a stupid......just text her dont do a lame my space comment cause that is why it still says single...then if you do she then will think you are always looking at it then she will do things bvehind your back....just text her and ask her what is on your mind and what she is thinking? take my advise

What is a good comment to leave on my gf myspace to indicate she is with me?

First off, change your own status to "In a relationship", and don't write to her about her scrunchie. She doesn't want people thinking she spent the night at your place. She probably has friends on her myspace that she doesn't know well enough for such information. Just write something like, "Hey babe, just dropping by to see how you were. Can't wait to see you again!" And if you're at the "I love you" stage already, write that to her as well. Or if it's your two month anniversary, then that would be a good thing to write. Girls love it when a guy is considerate. Good luck!

What is a good comment to leave on my gf myspace to indicate she is with me?

just change your status to "in a relationship" and comment "hey i noticed you havent changed your status yet." forget the scrunchy!

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